Support your business or venue

Embrace new technologies to give your business a boost.

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Why should locals and businesses use GoFander?

Predictable and sustainable revenues

Receiving extra monthly contributions means having less thoughts and dedicating yourself to growing your business, without penalizing anyone

Connect with your most loyal customers

Your customers can support you in difficult times. Thanks to GoFander, you can identify your biggest aficionados and connect directly with them.

Engage with your online community for offline benefits

GoFander helps you reach all over the world (if you want). Live streamed events, discount codes and so much more will help your business both online and online.

Tools should adapt to the user, not the other way around.

Want to take it up a notch? Or do you need help from your supporters to face a difficult period? Offer live-streamed workshops, masterclasses with insiders, tickets to live events, or discounts you can use in-store. There are a million ways to use GoFander - get inspired and get creative!

Make your creativity count with GoFander